The Deep Creek Watershed Foundation is pleased to offer the 2022 Virtual Brunch and Learn Educational Series, which are being facilitated by University of Maryland Extension in Garrett County. Each session will begin at 10am and is free and open to anyone that is interested in learning more about Deep Creek Lake and surrounding watersheds. Registration (FREE) is required.

In recent years, the use of small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS - aka drones) has become increasingly popular in natural resource applications. Technology advancements have led to the rapid increase in the development of low cost aircraft that have capabilities of remote sensing, high precision data recording and delivering specialized payloads - all with reduced cost, labor and human risk. Melissa Nash is a forester with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Garrett Project manager, she will discuss ways in which the MD Forest Service and other mid-Atlantic states are utilizing sUAS to aid in management of forest resources.
Free registration here